
2012 // one word.

I'm finally getting the ball rolling on 2012!

It's exciting to start a new year. I think that everyone feels that excitement and freshness that comes with the new year. Everyone thinks good thoughts and strives to resolve their lives. New things are coming and it's too sweet to think about anything bad. Only good, right?

Last year, I decided to focus the start of another year and think of one word that I strived towards. That word was harmony.

This year's word is BE.

as in...
BE mindful of how my actions are affecting the people around me. Particularly Chad. I'm not his mother -- I am his partner, his equal, his best friend, his wife. We have to work together to build our life here.
BE present. All too often I dwell on one of two things -- the past and the future. Rarely do I focus on the present...what's happening to me and around me right now.
BE friendly. On this blog (meaning -- I want to share myself with you through my writing and post all those ideas I have swirling around finished and unfinished). To my friends far and near me. To strangers.
BE respectful. courteous. aware. gracious. considerate.
BE faithful to Christ. One way that Chad and I have done this is through our only resolution that we made: read through the entire Bible together this year. We hope this exercise will help us see His hand in our lives and see joy every single day while reading and reflecting. I just want to rely on Him when thinking about the decisions we are faced with and really focus on what my role is and who He made me be.

That's it -- one tiny word. big hopes.


Faiza said...

i love the last "be" that you wrote about it. reading through the bible with your life's mate is amazing on so many levels!

be! be! be!

thegirlhassparke said...

I really like the idea of centering your resolutions around one word. For me being present this year is really important, not letting life slip by in a blur.

Christen said...

Can I just say that I found this post so inspiring? I get caught up in doing, improving, adding pressure on myself. I love just deciding to "be".

Loved this post.

Nicole said...

i love this word.

when i think of BE, it makes me think of BEing all here. right where God has put me.



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