
This photo was not taken by me, but has been starred, stared at, and dreamed about by me.  I'm so looking forward to the next couple months that I can't barely stand it. Looking at those little buds bursting out makes me dream of updated spring wardrobes + open windows.

Instead of dreaming of said wardrobes that will be updated and windows that will be opened, I've been consumed by school. More specifically, by lesson plans, evaluations, research papers, article summaries, developmental summaries, statistic problems, bulletin boards, and the like. When one assignment is put in the mental outbox, three more come flying in.

It's been hard catching up from everything I've missed since the trip to Florida and I feel and everything besides schoolwork is being deserted. My fiancee: who I haven't seen since Monday even though we live 6 min. away from each other. My family: to them I'm just a mirage--I come in late at night and leave early in the morning. The only way that they know I'm there is the pile of dishes I leave in the sink. My poor, neglected wedding notebook: I discovered it this morning under a pile of children's books {that I need for school} and I think it had a layer of dust on it.  It's just been all put on the back burner...

Fortunately, I have a nice little thing called Spring Break coming up on Monday. Yes, I still have to go teach kindergarten and do three lesson plans, and yes I still have to meet with the director of my program. But besides those things on the must-do list: I'm free.

I'm free to spend my time calling places that can put a simple hook in the back of my wedding dress. Or I can catch up on Ugly Betty while doing reasearch for the best price of paper lanterns. I'll be able to set aside a night to make sure my pal, Danielle, watches Amelie. I can finally go searching for the perfect spring cardigan {I'm thinking green or blue} and what I should wear to my rehearsal dinner. I'll have time to post about my cute vintage chalkboards and my trip to St. Paul in order to have John Mayer mesmerize me. I can talk about my bridal shower {coming up this Saturday} and search for the perfect gifts for my b-maids. I'll be able to go to the gym and burn calories on the elliptical while listening to She and Him:Volume II {which I'll have time to buy!}. I'll have time to finally just be.

Yes. Right now, I'm buried under a mountain of homework and papers, but I'll see you on the other side...  :)

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Oh, I know the feeling well! I hope you get through all of the craziness and enjoy spring break!


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