
*wednesday love* blogging

It's hard to truly say how much I love doing this. Blogging. I was bit by the blogging bug in January and haven't recovered yet (nor do I think I will in the near future). I love it. I love coming up with ideas for posts and scouring the internet to find pictures and inspiring articles. I blog as a way to organize and document all the things that I like and to share with you feelings and thoughts that I have.

Where else can I find:

*beautiful weddings to inspire me daily
*pictures that I daily (sometimes several times a day) save via the Google Reader 'stars' {have you guys ever saved posts with this feature? It's a godsend.}
*my Hollywood gossip
*a place to go dream about my wardrobe and what I'm missing from my closet
*in my opinion, the most inspiring blog I have ever come across

Yes, it is hard work. It's hard to stay consistent and on top of my blog and not get overwhelmed with posting and feeling like it's something that I have to get done. It's hard not to feel like I have to be as good as the other blogs that are out there and feel like I can never match their level. But I blog for me and my enjoyment. I do still devour the comments that you leave me {devour them like a plate of potato salad made by my almost mom-in-law} and I will forever grateful for the fact that some of you care about what I write and think. It's such a rewarding experience and I'm so happy that I'm in this blogging community.

You are all the greatest.
I'm sending you all an imaginary Tootsie Pop. And Skittles. And Milk Duds. And puppy chow. And banana bread.

{It all sounds so good right now.}


1 comment:

marta said...

thank you for such a grand compliment. really, you made my day.


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