
What to Give: Volume I

Before we get started--do you guys feel like it's too early to start all the Christmas talk? I, for one, do not. I think Christmastime is going to sneak up on me {It's already 3 weeks until Thanksgiving!}.  Christmas is the best time of the year and I say, the earlier the better. {I'm tempted to start listening to Christmas music--but I'll refrain. For about a week.}

Volume I of What to Give is all about my mom. My mom is one of the best people I know. She has taught me so much from how to sew a button onto a pair of pants to what to do when you find out that your husband is a snorer (note: earplugs).

Volume I is for people in your life who:
  • don't like having stuff in their house. My mom is a clutter-free woman--she doesn't like to be surrounded by too many things.
  • a greenie. A person who uses reusable bags and detests plastic. If it doesn't recycle, she doesn't buy it.
  • fond of antiques. She cherishes classic pieces and things that have been loved for decades.
  • have grandchildren. My mom has one already and one on the way.  It's her favorite pastime right now.
In case you're interested:
02. Plain Reusable Organic Dinner Napkins. $10.00


Katie {My Paisley Apron} said...

I'm definitely listening to Christmas music (with my transparent excuse that my 2 year old needs a little extra time to start learning the music and getting excited!) It's not too early for Christmas around here, I'm glad you're talking about it too!!

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Love #4 the vintage berry picker - that would be a really amazing gift.

Oh, My Darling said...

Ooh, your mom will be a lucky lady, whichever gift you choose!


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