
rejoicing in the sunshine

If we had no rain, the sunshine would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. -- Charlotte Bronte

This quote has been on my mind so much today. Let's just say there has been some rain in my life and now God's pouring in the sunshine. It's hard for me, when faced with a problem, to not try to fix it. I analyze it, write up and pro/con list and plan the words that I think should be said. I do my best to say what I think a person needs to hear. 
What I fail to do is to give up control and let God take care of it. The sunshine poured into my soul last night when God led me to realize that He's in control of me and all people and that He has the plan. I was finally able to get spiritual rest {Jesus says "Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest"}.

The problem with other people's problems is that I become really wrapped up in figuring out a solution. I become absorbed in thinking about how my actions should help bring out the solution.  I have begun to realize that my present is what I need to be thinking about. My present with Chad, how I can be a good wife and woman for him. On May 15th, I will be promising myself to him and our marriage. That commitment is my number 1 priority. When other people's problem get into that relationship, my attention is not solely on my relationship with Chad and my faith in Christ. No longer will that be the case with the most recent spritual problem that has come into my life. It's drained too much time and energy from my faith and my soon-to-be marriage. It's dragged me down to a point where I think about the problem/finding a solution instead of letting God solve it when He deems appropriate. 

So with this new realization that God will handle any and all problems I have taken this to heart and will do my best to make it a reality in my life every single day:

This is the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.


Johanna said...

so true!
When ever I am overwhelmed in life I find it so reassuring to know that I can let go and let God.
God is good!
I think your focus on your soon to be marriage is so important- you got it straight!

Laura said...


That is all.

Cole Franke said...

beautiful photo and beautiful words. :) I enjoyed reading your blog.

Nicole visiting from


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