In honor of all the attention 9-9-09 got yesterday, I will give you 9 pictures that I've taken that I adore. (I would have posted this yesterday on the actual 9-9-09 date, but I didn't. I was too tired from the last couple of days that I actually had to force myself to roll over and turn off my bedside lamp at the end of the night...I'm not kidding.)
So, while people were lining up in
Vegas chapels to get hitched, I was complying some of my favorite shots that I've taken:

*Taken in August 2007 when we visited Seattle. Have I mentioned that I love taking pictures of skylines? (The different buildings and shapes and sizes...I'm in love.)

*My family walking around Boston Common in 2006 (I think it was 2006-Laura?). I love this picture because it's my family doing what we do best on vacation-looking like major tourists, while I hover around like their own personal paparazzi.

*C and A on my Banquet Day in 2006. (Banquet was my school's version of prom, just without the dancing.) We were only 9 months strong when this picture was taken-don't we look like babies?!

*Okay. I know this picture might seem odd to have in my favorites but let me explain. This was in San Francisco when we toured
Alcatraz Island on our last day of the trip. The island was named Alcatraz because it means "the island of pelicans" in Spanish, and the island holds true to its name. There are seagulls
everywhere. This image, in my opinion, captures Alcatraz. Not only do you have the seagull sitting in (probably not its own) crap on a broken-down rock, but you can see the city of San Francisco in the distance-something that the prisoners longed for (wouldn't you?).

*On the same vacation that we went to Boston, we also went to Rochester, NY and toured the
George Eastman House. Good ol' George pretty much invented Kodak, an invention that I'm forever thankful for. How else would I have been able to capture his stone fence in the front yard? Thanks, buddy.

*C in Missouri this past May when we went
down there to visit his aunt's family. This picture sums up our time there-relaxed. beautiful. lots of fishing in their pond. quiet.

*6.26. The day we promised to become man and wife.

*Little tiny baby UJ 4 months ago. This was taken by Chad at my sister's house when UJ was less than a week old. You should see him now-huge (and still totally swooned over by this aunt.)

*A secret bench overlooking Half Moon Lake (I'm not going to tell you where it is because then it wouldn't be a secret.) C and I went fishing close to this spot and I just imagined how romantic it would be to sit there with my fella looking at the beauty surrounding us.
The nine are over. Thanks for veiwing!
P.S. Saying 9 9 9 over and over really fast reminds me of the
movie that I just saw last Sunday. (There's a scene in the movie when Hitler says it.) Has anyone else seen it? It's a movie that I know my sister and her hubbie would see-they likey the Tarantino films. I won't spoil the movie for you with a review-just go see it if it's something up your alley. And if it's not up your alley, too bad. You might just have to see it with your man (who wants to, trust me).