Bloggers come up with the best ideas, don't they?!
Danni from oh, hello friend is so splendid. Not only is she dreaming up 12 goals by 2012, she is giving other bloggers the chance to participate. This is exactly the push I need to get some projects done around here. Lately, I have had no drive to complete anything on my to-do list. Sure, I've been busy. Too busy, in fact. Working on teachers' to-do lists, tests, assignments, lesson know how it is. No time to focus on the goal that I will feel empowered doing + more importantly, finishing.
So, these 12 to-dos are for me. Focused on areas of my house + agenda that will help me feel just that -- accomplished. I will come back to this list and update the process I'll be making. Feel free to join me, Danni, and all the others!
twelve by 2012.
Bold = done. Hurray!
italic = in progress.
Bold = done. Hurray!
italic = in progress.
01. remove wallpaper from our bathroom and kitchen.
02. paint at least one of those rooms.
03. do two projects off my want to create pinboard.
04. make a complete november + december meal calendar.
05. buy new flats and a pair of TOMS.
06. start my e-portfolio for school.
07. edit the europe trip pictures.
08. create an advent calendar for c + me.
09. cut + dye my hair.
10. go to thrift stores (with a edited eye, of course) at least four more times (x2 a month).
(1 of 4 times done)
(1 of 4 times done)
11. visit laura + family once -- just the two of us.
12. get a desk and bookcase for our office.