While Chad and I are away wandering the streets of Brussels, London, Paris and beyond, I gathered some of my favorite bloggers and asked them to write a guest post/love letter to their favorite place on earth. These ladies are graciously babysitting my blog while I'm eating macaroons and taking postcard-worthy pictures of the Eiffel Tower + Big Ben. Thank you for reading and I'll see you when we get back!
xo -- Amanda
Hello there lovely readers of Project Simple Life! This is Erin from Pugh's News. Isn't it exciting that Amanda and Chad are off on their European adventure? I'm so happy for them! I have a special place in my heart for London, where I have spent a lot of time over the past ten years, and Paris is a dream destination of mine. One day...
I'm off on a slightly less exciting, but still very fun, holiday of my own. As I write this, I'm madly packing my family's suitcases. Tomorrow morning we are catching the first ferry off Vancouver Island and heading up into the interior of British Columbia to spend a week in a cabana by the lake. It's going to be blissful! I'm excited about hitting the open road with my family in tow, and looking forward to the new places we'll discover along the way. I've always had a serious case of wanderlust, ever since I was a little girl, getting happily lost in the imaginary lands of my favourite books.
image via pugh's news tumblr
When I was about 8 or 9 years old, I wrote a letter to C.S. Lewis, begging him to tell me how I could get to Narnia. I never mailed the letter, and I always sort of regretted it. But now look what I've found! A sign-post that will lead me to all sorts of wonderful places. Just imagine...
Tea with Mr Tumnus.
Shopping for school supplies in Diagon Alley.
Following the yellow brick road.
Visiting Frodo and Sam in the Shire.
Studying and scheming in the Gryffindor Tower with Harry, Ron and Hermione.
How amazing would that be? I'm sure the signs I can't quite read say things like Green Gables. The Secret Garden. Zuckerman's Farm. Wonka's Chocolate Factory. How would I ever choose where to go first?
What wonderful world from children's literature would you like to visit? Let's plan to go there together, shall we?
PS: Come visit me at Pugh's News. I love to make new friends...