Chad's cat (I've adopted her as my own) is so snuggly and lovely. She does things that are so random and adorable. She is our little "stinky winky pinky". A couple weeks ago after dinner, we caught her doing this:
We've seen her do this a couple of other times as well and it makes us laugh so hard! She always creeps up to Chad's wine glass (I, of course, don't have one), sniffs it, and then really goes for the bottom of the glass. She sticks her whole head into the glass. We have found that she prefers red wine and nothing else. Maybe it will help prevent heart disease:)
Hello Tim, Tom, and Richard
image from here
They are coming to the Cities on May 15th. Chad called me this morning and asked if I wanted to go. Yea! Keane-I can't wait to see you:)
Sister, can we sleep over and snuggle with nephew?
Giving Up
Today is the infamous Fat Tuesday. It's the day right before Ash Wednesday which is the start of Lent Season. Now, I know that all of you probably know that, but I was just thinking about how the Catholics have a tradition of giving something up for Lent.
Are you planning on giving anything up for Lent? Not as a demand or requirement for God's love, but as a reflection of God and refocusing attention on Christ. It can be anything simple- gum, magazines, diet soda, chocolate, reality TV, anything.
In Bible study yesterday, we talked about making Jesus our number 1 priority. With giving something up and refocusing attention on Christ, I think it'll be a good reminder of Christ's work and His love for us.
Are you planning on giving anything up for Lent? Not as a demand or requirement for God's love, but as a reflection of God and refocusing attention on Christ. It can be anything simple- gum, magazines, diet soda, chocolate, reality TV, anything.
In Bible study yesterday, we talked about making Jesus our number 1 priority. With giving something up and refocusing attention on Christ, I think it'll be a good reminder of Christ's work and His love for us.
three and a half
On Friday, Chad and I had a lovely dinner at Haymarket Grill to celebrate three and a half years of being together. We are both into eating locally, so this was a perfect place for us to go. The night was so lovely-being able to reflect on our life together and talk about our future.
Here are some photos from the evening:
Here are some photos from the evening:
The very simple card I made for Chad. There is more to it than that, but you guys don't need to see everything :)
My delicious dinner. Shrimp. Risotto. Scallops. Bacon-wrapped Asparagus.
Chad's meal of swordfish and sweet potatoes. Everything was so delicious!
The gorgeous red tulips he got me. He loves picking out flowers; it's so sweet.
We came home to this guy. Bear. Chad's sister and boyfriend went to Arizona and we got to babysit Bear.
Hearts and Cartoons
Yes, I know that Valentine's Day was ten days ago. I just wanted to share some Valentine love that I got from the children at my child care center...
I was surprised I only got one Hannah Montana Valentine.
They are all really into Winnie The Pooh:)
I always like some Bible valentines.
This is so cute. A boy named Evan gave it to me; he was so shy when I opened it.
This is the first Valentine's Day that I've had as a teacher. I can't wait for many, many more.
I was surprised I only got one Hannah Montana Valentine.
They are all really into Winnie The Pooh:)
I always like some Bible valentines.
This is so cute. A boy named Evan gave it to me; he was so shy when I opened it.
This is the first Valentine's Day that I've had as a teacher. I can't wait for many, many more.
My Oscar Hits and Misses
The Hits
The Misses
All images found here.
I absolutely loved Freida Pinto in Slumdog Millionaire. Well, I pretty much loved that whole movie.
He did such a great job. I loved the opening number; so funny.
I think she always looks so beautiful and very put together.
Jen. John. What more needs to be said?
The Misses
No. Project Runway has taught me that big prints make women look bigger.
Melissa George. Kinda looks like she is on a cloud. Mermaid bottoms are great, not mushroom bottoms.
Sofia Loren. Isn't she like 75? Chad made the comment that she looks like Janice Dickinson's grandmother.
SJP. Wow. The bottom was too much and her boobs looked like they were going to pop out.
No honey. No. Cancel your next collagen appointment.
All images found here.
Dear Nephew-Eager to see you
Do you know how lucky you are? Your mommy and daddy are so in love with you already. I'm going to throw you and mama a party in less than a month. I'm so excited (and also a little bit behind). I am so bummed that your parents live two hours away from us. I talked to my love yesterday and told him that this summer we should drive to your house and see you every weekend that I'm not working. Your dad and "uncle" Chad can go fishing, and your mommy and I can sit and stare at you all day and talk about how much we love you.
So many people are planning on coming to your party, nephew. Your parents are going to get a lot of gifts for you and things they can put in your bedroom. You are supposed to be in our world at the end of April. Can you believe it? You are almost here! Just a warning, your aunt Amanda will probably cry when she sees you. It's not going to be because she thinks you're ugly (you won't be; have you seen your parents?). It's going to be because she can't believe you are really in front of her! Your family already loves you bunches, sweet nephew.
I can't wait to take a bunch of pictures of you, little one. I really want to take pictures like these:
Anyway, I just wanted to write you a little note reminding you how much I love you and how excited I am for April to arrive!
{first two via here}
{third via here}
So many people are planning on coming to your party, nephew. Your parents are going to get a lot of gifts for you and things they can put in your bedroom. You are supposed to be in our world at the end of April. Can you believe it? You are almost here! Just a warning, your aunt Amanda will probably cry when she sees you. It's not going to be because she thinks you're ugly (you won't be; have you seen your parents?). It's going to be because she can't believe you are really in front of her! Your family already loves you bunches, sweet nephew.
I can't wait to take a bunch of pictures of you, little one. I really want to take pictures like these:
Anyway, I just wanted to write you a little note reminding you how much I love you and how excited I am for April to arrive!
{first two via here}
{third via here}
Wisdom in my life
Have you ever had one of those days where you think "Wow, this is all going to work, isn't it?" Today was one of those days for me. Here's what happened:
Sometimes (semi-rarely) I doubt my choice to become a kindergarten teacher.
I doubt if I can be patient and kind to them everyday.
I doubt if I know what's best for them and their little minds.
I doubt if I can come up with activities that are going to be fun for them.
I doubt if I can handle the parents and how we won't agree on everything.
I doubt if I make sure they listen to me and respect me.
I doubt if I can provide the best environment for them.
Then today happens. I did three lesson plans at the center I am in and they all went over so well. The children loved the activities I had planned. The two teachers who are in the classroom thought I did a wonderful job and my teacher came and loved everything I did. One of the teachers pulled me aside after and told me that the director was watching and she wanted to offer me a summer part-time teaching position.
I drove home overwhelmed. I just felt so pleased that they all had such wonderful things to say. It showed me that God was directing my life. With all those nice comments and thoughtful words, He was assuring me that I've made the right decision. He knows that sometimes I doubt my choices, but then He gives me guidance.
It's like He is saying "Amanda, trust Me. I know you have the ability to guide My children. I've sent people to train you and to show you how to teach children. See what a good job you're doing? I love you and am so proud of you".
This is not a post that honors me at all. It's a post that honors God and His wisdom in ever aspect of my life.
Sometimes (semi-rarely) I doubt my choice to become a kindergarten teacher.
I doubt if I can be patient and kind to them everyday.
I doubt if I know what's best for them and their little minds.
I doubt if I can come up with activities that are going to be fun for them.
I doubt if I can handle the parents and how we won't agree on everything.
I doubt if I make sure they listen to me and respect me.
I doubt if I can provide the best environment for them.
Then today happens. I did three lesson plans at the center I am in and they all went over so well. The children loved the activities I had planned. The two teachers who are in the classroom thought I did a wonderful job and my teacher came and loved everything I did. One of the teachers pulled me aside after and told me that the director was watching and she wanted to offer me a summer part-time teaching position.
I drove home overwhelmed. I just felt so pleased that they all had such wonderful things to say. It showed me that God was directing my life. With all those nice comments and thoughtful words, He was assuring me that I've made the right decision. He knows that sometimes I doubt my choices, but then He gives me guidance.
It's like He is saying "Amanda, trust Me. I know you have the ability to guide My children. I've sent people to train you and to show you how to teach children. See what a good job you're doing? I love you and am so proud of you".
This is not a post that honors me at all. It's a post that honors God and His wisdom in ever aspect of my life.
King of Creation
Last night after exhausting Bear of (almost) all of his energy at Chad's parents house, we sat down to watch one of the many episodes of Planet Earth that we have recorded. I adore this show. I'm always in constant wonder of the animals and how they grow, eat, migrate, and know how to do everything. I don't know if the creators of Planet Earth knew that they were making such a remarkable show that honors God.
God does tell us:
For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills.
I know every bird on the mountains, and all the animals of the field are mine.
{Psalm 50:10-12}
Ever since I was born, I was told that God created the heavens and the earth. I had Sunday School lessons about it and learned Bible passages that supported it. I have never really fully appreciated it, though. Whenever I watch just one episode, I always marvel at how wise God is that He created all the animals and how He thought about everything they need. If you ever have a chance to watch the show, I suggest you do. It always humbles me and reassures me of God's grace and unmatchable wisdom.
Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths. You care for people and animals alike, O Lord.
{Psalm 36:5-6}
Let the whole world bless our God and loudly sing his praises. Our lives are in his hands, and he keeps our feet from stumbling.
{Psalm 66:7-9}
I have not mastered human wisdom, nor do I know the Holy One. Who but God goes up to heaven and comes back down? Who holds the wind in his fists? Who wraps up the oceans in his cloak? Who has created the whole wide world?
{Proverbs 30:3-4}
See all the images here
God does tell us:
For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills.
I know every bird on the mountains, and all the animals of the field are mine.
{Psalm 50:10-12}
Ever since I was born, I was told that God created the heavens and the earth. I had Sunday School lessons about it and learned Bible passages that supported it. I have never really fully appreciated it, though. Whenever I watch just one episode, I always marvel at how wise God is that He created all the animals and how He thought about everything they need. If you ever have a chance to watch the show, I suggest you do. It always humbles me and reassures me of God's grace and unmatchable wisdom.
Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths. You care for people and animals alike, O Lord.
{Psalm 36:5-6}
Let the whole world bless our God and loudly sing his praises. Our lives are in his hands, and he keeps our feet from stumbling.
{Psalm 66:7-9}
I have not mastered human wisdom, nor do I know the Holy One. Who but God goes up to heaven and comes back down? Who holds the wind in his fists? Who wraps up the oceans in his cloak? Who has created the whole wide world?
{Proverbs 30:3-4}
See all the images here
Valentine Love
unexpected entertainment
I have never really been a big Grammys watcher and neither has Chad. On Sunday though, we found ourselves totally engrossed in all things Grammy. The show was performance after performance. We were very excited that Coldplay received three awards (Song of the Year, Best Rock Album, and Best Perfomance by a Vocal Group). We saw them in the Cities in November and loved the entire concert.
We loved watching their performance on Sunday:

(Isn't it cool that Jay-Z performed with them?)
And thought their outfits were witty:

(Loved the St. Pepper reference)
Chad also rejoiced greatly when he saw that Radiohead would be performing. He loves Radiohead; it's tied for first place of his favorites (with the Beatles). I think it he could, he would move into Thom Yorke's house. For the first three years of dating him, I always turned the Ipod from Radiohead to a different song when we'd be in the car. I think the reason was that I couldn't understand any of the words and I can't tolerate not being able to understand what I'm listening to. A couple months ago, he made me a cd of all the Radiohead songs he thought I'd like. I listened to it-over and over and over again. Although I still can't understand all the words, I am now infatuated with them.
Anyway, their performance was fantastic. We loved the extra flare that the USC marching band brought. Here's a fabulous picture from the night:

We are also pleased that they walked away with the award for Best Alternative Music Album

(Isn't this such a cool picture? found at capturing the seven)
*Here's a list of all the winners
We loved watching their performance on Sunday:

(Isn't it cool that Jay-Z performed with them?)
And thought their outfits were witty:

(Loved the St. Pepper reference)
Chad also rejoiced greatly when he saw that Radiohead would be performing. He loves Radiohead; it's tied for first place of his favorites (with the Beatles). I think it he could, he would move into Thom Yorke's house. For the first three years of dating him, I always turned the Ipod from Radiohead to a different song when we'd be in the car. I think the reason was that I couldn't understand any of the words and I can't tolerate not being able to understand what I'm listening to. A couple months ago, he made me a cd of all the Radiohead songs he thought I'd like. I listened to it-over and over and over again. Although I still can't understand all the words, I am now infatuated with them.
Anyway, their performance was fantastic. We loved the extra flare that the USC marching band brought. Here's a fabulous picture from the night:

We are also pleased that they walked away with the award for Best Alternative Music Album

(Isn't this such a cool picture? found at capturing the seven)
*Here's a list of all the winners
Lost and then eventually found
Remember when I talked about how my parents bought me an Ipod nano for Christmas? This whole past week it had been missing from my life. I frantically searched everywhere: my room, the van, the couch... Guess where it ended up-underneath Chad's bed! Whenever I go to Chad's house I drop off my purse right in front of his bookshelf which is next to his bed. One of the times my purse must have tipped over and the Ipod must have slipped out.
Today, happily, while looking for the DVD remote I looked under the bed and it's sweet little pink self was staring me in the face. Right now it's next to me, charging its sweet little heart away. My heart swelled right when I found it-I was so relieved!
I have had a major shortage of albums lately, so with the newly recovered pinkie here are some artists that will be added:
Christina Aguilera
Snow Patrol
John Legend
(Anyone have any other suggestions?)
Have you ever lost anything really important that you go into complete panic and terror mode?
Today, happily, while looking for the DVD remote I looked under the bed and it's sweet little pink self was staring me in the face. Right now it's next to me, charging its sweet little heart away. My heart swelled right when I found it-I was so relieved!
I have had a major shortage of albums lately, so with the newly recovered pinkie here are some artists that will be added:
Christina Aguilera
Snow Patrol
John Legend
(Anyone have any other suggestions?)
Have you ever lost anything really important that you go into complete panic and terror mode?
Simple Weekend: JLF&Spaghetti
After the Art Crawl, Chad and I thought it would be a good idea to visit Just Local Food. It is a grocery store that carries-obviously only, locally grown food. Chad had been wanting to go there for a while, so we stopped by. It was so lovely in there; the worker offered to give us help and apple-cinnamon bacon samples (yummy!) We didn't buy anything that day but ideally, we would like to make dinner several times a week and buy all the ingredients from this store. We both feel strongly about supporting local businesses and Eau Claire is making it easier and easier for us to do that.

(Some of their fresh foods displaying so lovely)
After the JLF field trip, we decided to make some lunch. Chad really wanted to make the sauce and include some meatballs.(See below)

(So tasty!) The only thing that we want to improve on with that meal is the meatballs. We added some spices, but couldn't figure out what was missing. We thought about adding bread crumbs, or an egg, or maybe some cornflakes. Does anyone put anything in meatballs to make them out of this world?
(Some of their fresh foods displaying so lovely)
After the JLF field trip, we decided to make some lunch. Chad really wanted to make the sauce and include some meatballs.(See below)
(So tasty!) The only thing that we want to improve on with that meal is the meatballs. We added some spices, but couldn't figure out what was missing. We thought about adding bread crumbs, or an egg, or maybe some cornflakes. Does anyone put anything in meatballs to make them out of this world?
Crawling in Art
On Saturday, I had the pleasure of having the day off and getting to spend some much needed quality time with Chad. We decided to go to the Art Crawl that was at Banbury Place. I had never really been to Banbury Place before and we were both curious to see what the crawl was all about.
(A shot of the building~I love how rustic the building looks)
Here are some other shots of the day:
(I love how the tile looks like one of those puzzles that you have to rearrange the pieces)
(This one's in honor of Chad because he loves golf and can't wait until spring comes and he can play every weekend)
(Don't you love orchids?)
(I love this picture~it reminds me of a puzzle)
The studio that I loved the most was the woman who does pottery. Pottery looks like such a unique hobby and it was such a treat to be able to see her "throw" (that's pottery talk for 'make') two small pots. Below are some pictures:
(We both loved the fact that we got to see the raw materials that the artists use to create their art pieces.)
We felt very inspired after going there. If we had any artistic talent at all, we probably would rent a studio in Banbury. Even though that will not happen, we will always enjoy looking at art!
(A shot of the building~I love how rustic the building looks)
Here are some other shots of the day:
(I love how the tile looks like one of those puzzles that you have to rearrange the pieces)
(This one's in honor of Chad because he loves golf and can't wait until spring comes and he can play every weekend)
(Don't you love orchids?)
(I love this picture~it reminds me of a puzzle)
The studio that I loved the most was the woman who does pottery. Pottery looks like such a unique hobby and it was such a treat to be able to see her "throw" (that's pottery talk for 'make') two small pots. Below are some pictures:
(We both loved the fact that we got to see the raw materials that the artists use to create their art pieces.)
We felt very inspired after going there. If we had any artistic talent at all, we probably would rent a studio in Banbury. Even though that will not happen, we will always enjoy looking at art!
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